M.Eng. Early Admit Options for Cornell Students
If you are a Cornell undergraduate student and are interested in learning more about the 'Early Admission' option, please visit the College of Engineering's website to learn more. Please note that this policy is **NOT** for students outside of the Cornell University community.
In addition to the College of Engineering's policy, the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department also has its own procedures that we require all 'Early Admission' candidates to follow. They are as follows:
- ECE Undergraduate Students applying for the Early Admission Option for the 1-year M.Eng. Program must have between 1 - 8 credits left to complete in their undergraduate degree program in the second semester of their Senior Year in order to be considered eligible.
- Early Admission Applicants will be required to submit their completed application materials differently than normal applicants (see below).
- When choosing the correct term/semester to apply for as an Early Admission student in the Cornell online graduate application, the correct term/semester to choose would be the actual first semester of enrollment as an M.Eng. Student (i.e. the semester after all undergraduate degree requirements are completed). The 'Early Admission Semester' is the student's final semester of their Senior Year.
Spring Term - Early Admission Semester (Fall / Spring M.Eng. Program)
This option would apply to students whose final semester of their Senior Year and their Early Admission semester would occur during the Spring.
- Applicants will be required to submit their completed application materials by October 15th.
- A completed Early Admission Petition Form will also be required along with all completed materials. An Early Admission Petition Form should propose a full 1-semester course work plan that will include both the remaining Undergraduate Requirements left to complete your degree, as well as the courses that will count towards an eventual M.Eng. Degree. Upon approval by the M.Eng. Committee, this will be the Student's contract with ECE. Any subsequent changes to the agreed upon and approved plan will require further review and approval by the M.Eng. Committee, as well as the submission of an updated Early Admission Petition Form.
- Early Admission Applicants may be required to participate in an interview session with the ECE M.Eng. Director in order to establish their plan and intentions.
- Early Admission Applicants will be provided with their admission decision prior to the beginning the Pre-Enrollment process for the spring semester in early November.
Fall Term - Early Admission Semester (Spring / Fall M.Eng. Program)
This option would apply to students whose final semester of their Senior year and their Early Admission semester would occur during the Fall.
- Applicants will be required to submit their completed application materials by normal deadline of January 15th.
- A completed Early Admission Petition Form will also be required along with all completed materials. An Early Admission Petition Form should propose a full 1-semester course work plan that will include both the remaining Undergraduate Requirements left to complete your degree, as well as the courses that will count towards an eventual M.Eng. Degree. Upon approval by the M.Eng. Committee, this will be the Student's contract with ECE. Any subsequent changes to the agreed upon and approved plan will require further review and approval by the M.Eng. Committee, as well as the submission of an updated Early Admission Petition Form.
- Early Admission Applicants may be required to participate in an interview session with the ECE M.Eng. Director in order to establish their plan and intentions.
- Early Admission Applicants will be provided with their admission decision along with the rest of the group of applicants, and prior to April 15th.
- Students admitted for the Spring / Fall option as an Early Admission would be required to enroll in ECE 5010 for one credit during their second semester during the fall.