SPROUT Awards support 6 novel research collaborations

From exploring the mechanics of early-stage bone metastasis to analyzing price formation policies in wholesale electricity markets, Cornell Engineering’s Sprout Awards are funding unique research projects with the potential to grow partnerships across Cornell. Read more

Merrill Scholars honor mentors who inspired them

At a luncheon on May 21, 42 Merrill Scholars celebrated the mentors who had the greatest influence on their early education and the Cornell faculty or staff members who contributed most significantly to their college experience. Read more

Spring 2024 ECE M.Eng. poster session winners

The ECE M.Eng. Poster Session was held in the Duffield Atrium on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Over 70 posters were evaluated by a combination of ECE faculty members and ECE Ph.D. students. The judges selected winners in seven individual categories, as well as overall Best in Show. Category: AI / Pattern Recognition (Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics) Poster Title: Design of a Large-Scale Robotic Swarm M.Eng. Student: Eshita Sangani Category: Bio-Signals (Neural, controls, Imaging, Bioinformatics) Poster Title: Machine Learning for Predicting Properties of Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Vehicles... Read more

High bandwidth means smart signal timing; spiral waveguides are here to help

Using 3-D stacks of reflectors on microchips could triple data rates of wireless links to help speed development of 6G communications, a new study finds. Most current wireless communications technology, such as 5G phones, operate at frequencies below 6 gigahertz. For greater data rates, researchers are striving to develop 6G communications that use frequencies above 20 GHz for data rates 100 times great as 5G. However, at 6G‘s anticipated higher frequencies, transmissions also experience greater attenuation and losses from the environment. Read the full article here: 6G Reflector Chip Tech... Read more