All undergraduates except Electrical and Computer Engineering Majors.
Educational Objectives
The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers a minor to students who wish to complement their Major with a background in electrical and computer engineering. The minor offers the opportunity to study analog and digital circuits and VLSI systems; computer architecture and systems; signals and systems; communication and networks; solid state, MEMS, and photonic devices; electromagnetic fields; plasma sciences; and to specialize at higher levels in one of these areas.
To complete the minor, the student must take at least six (6) courses (minimum of 18 credits), chosen as follows:
I. Two (2) of the following:
- ENGRD/ECE 2100: Introduction to Circuits for Electrical and Computer Engineers
- ECE/ENGRD 2720: Data Science for Engineers
- ENGRD/ECE 2300: Digital Logic and Computer Organization; or CS 3410: Computer System Organization and Programming.
II. Two (2) of the following:
- ECE 3030: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
- ECE 3100: Introduction to Probability and Random Signals
- ECE 3140/CS 3420: Embedded Systems
- ECE 3150: Introduction to Microelectronics
- ECE 3250: Mathematics of Signal and Systems Analysis
III. Each of the following
- One (1) other technical ECE lecture course at the 4000 level or above (3-credit minimum)
- One (1) other technical ECE lecture course at the 3000 level or above (3-credit minimum)
Academic Standards
At least C– for every course in the minor and a GPA ≥2.3 for all courses in the minor.
For more information, contact the ECE Undergraduate Coordinator.