Quan ’15 Wins IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Scholarship


Richard Quan, Electrical and Computer Engineering class of 2015, has been awarded a multi-year IEEE PES Scholarship. The scholarship provides funding for up to three years, and includes up to two years of hands-on career experience. Quan was one of only 228 recipients across the United States.

The scholarships are meant to “support the next generation of power leaders,” said Wanda Reder, Co-Chair of the scholarship program for IEEE PES.

Shown presenting the scholarship certificate and check to Quan are members of ECE’s Energy and Power Systems research group (from left to right); Professors Lang Tong, Eilyan Bitar, scholarship winner Richard Quan ‘15, Bob Thomas, Tsuhan Chen (director of ECE) and Hsiao-Dong Chiang.

For more information visit: http://www.ieee-pes.org/2012-13-pes-scholars-announced.

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