Spring 2024 ECE M.Eng. poster session winners

The ECE M.Eng. Poster Session was held in the Duffield Atrium on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Over 70 posters were evaluated by a combination of ECE faculty members and ECE Ph.D. students. The judges selected winners in seven individual categories, as well as overall Best in Show.

Category: AI / Pattern Recognition (Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics)

Poster Title: Design of a Large-Scale Robotic Swarm

M.Eng. Student: Eshita Sangani

Category: Bio-Signals (Neural, controls, Imaging, Bioinformatics)

Poster Title: Machine Learning for Predicting Properties of Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Vehicles

M.Eng. Students: Yiduo Wang and Qingyuan Xie

Category: Communications (Information Theory, Network Coding, Digital Communications)

Poster Title: Threading and Networking Developments for the Raspberry Pi Pico W

M.Eng. Students: Harris Miller and Liam Kain

Category: Computer Systems (OS, Embedded, Networks, Architecture, Database)

Poster Title: Hardware Acceleration of Computer Vision Algorithms using Field Programmable Gate Arrays

M.Eng. Student: Dengyu Tu

Category: Electronic Devices + Materials (Analog, Digital, Optics, MEMS, Circuits)

Poster Title: High Speed Photodetector Design and testing for MOTEs

M.Eng. Student: Wilson Huang

Category: Large Scale Systems (Power Systems, Energy)

Poster Title: Methodology to Select Optimal System Voltage for Electric Forklifts

M.Eng. Student: Asna Altaf

Category: Signal and Information Processing

Poster Title: Open-source Handheld pH Sensor with Mobile App

M.Eng. Students: Yuzhong Zheng and Yapeng Teng

Category: Best in Show

Poster Title: Using Error-Correcting Codes to Simulate Channels

M.Eng. Student: Rochelle Barsz 

Over 70 students from the Masters in Engineering (M.Eng.) program within Cornell Electrical and Computer Engineering presented their research during the annual Spring M.Eng. poster session. 

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