Cong Chen Wins Award at IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting

By: Ashley Bohn

Cong Chen, a Ph.D. candidate in Cornell Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), won the Prize Conference Paper Award at the 2023 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). PESGM accepts over one thousand papers for presentation each year. After review, less than 90 papers are chosen in the Best Paper sessions, from these select few, the awards for Conference Prize Paper are determined. 

Chen's paper, "DSO-DERA Coordination for Wholesale Market Participation of Distributed Energy Resources," co-authored with Lang Tong, Professor at Cornell Engineering, and Subhonmesh Bose, Assistant Professor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, introduces a market-based coordination mechanism to allocate network access limits to distributed energy resource aggregators. 

In response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Ruling 2222, aimed at removing barriers to distributed energy resource aggregation, the proposed approach solves the critical problem of coordinating distribution and transmission system operators in providing open access to energy collection for the reliable aggregation of renewables and flexible demand in distribution systems. 

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